

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Support "The Church Ladies"

Recently, I posted about supporting small shops and honoring their hard work and talents. Today I want to talk about another opportunity to support some very important people when you are out and about on weekends thrifting and that is "The Church Ladies."

You know, the sweet faithful folks that work all the church bazarres, swiss steak dinners, rummage sales, bake sales, local church food banks, and send the money they make to church missions. I love to go the rummage sales at the local churches, or if their is a city wide sale I always grab a bite to eat at the local church booth.

 A few years ago when Bill and I were in the Finger Lakes Region of New York we drove a distance to an antique shop as they were having a special festival. Outside, under a tent awning, were a group of grey haired women from a local church happily serving hot dogs, sloppy joes, chips, cookies, pies (you have to have church lady pie), lemonade and pop. They were so shocked that my husband didn't want condiments on his hot dog (we could hear them commenting on how surprised they were that he turned down the mustard). Pretty soon one of the ladies circled around us picking up trash and sweetly reminded Bill that the condiments were still over on the table if he changed his mind. We just smiled and reassured her we had everything we needed. Just the best hospitality you could ever want!

You might wonder why I have such a strong affection for church ladies. Well, my mom is a church lady and has been for over 50 years. Last weekend our entire family gathered at the church that my family has belonged to for about 80 years. It was United Methodist Women Sunday and they had a special recognition for my mom who has served God so well through her work at the church. 

It was nice to see mom without her cobbler apron and in front of the church rather than  in the kitchen.
 So next weekend make sure you look up the local church rummage sale and support "The Church Ladies!"


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